Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Simpsons, Science and Borges...

Talk about a strange combination.... Borges, Science, and The Simpsons.... a Google search for "Simpsons thermodinamics" -trying to find a famous quote- got me landing into Paul Halpern's blog. Paul is a book writer, Simpsons fan and Science buff.

As a fan of the Simpsons I was shocked, surprised, and pleased to find a great idea... a book on Science and The Simpsons! :o)


Just ordered mine! :o)


1 comment:

Paul Halpern said...

Hi Fernando,
Thanks for your kind comments! I'm impressed by all your blogs, both in English and Spanish!

I see that you are a fan of Lakoff. I co-authored an article a while back in the journal Ometeca that references Borges, Umberto Eco, Lakoff and science. The paper is called "Eco's Symbolic Cosmos: Trapped in the Labyrinth of Metaphor." You might also be interested in a new Spanish-language translation of a book I wrote about scientific prediction:

"En búsqueda del destino: una historia de la predicción."

Best regards,